Read all about me and my hopes for this blog on the About page. Here is longer form info on my experience and some examples.

For over a decade I have been creating and curating content while also creating, implementing, and reporting on content strategies. I believe in communicating the right things to the right people in a way that appeals to them. Using this perspective, I have worked for organisations in various fields — internally as an employee, and externally as a specialist consultant/advisor and as their agency. The industries I have worked in include travel (extensively), education, and financial services.

My experience spans a number of communication disciplines including writing, digital marketing and analytics, social media (strategy, management, and analytics), PR, radio, and more. I also have experience creating and managing insightful programmes and finding the right speakers to bring that content to life. Not only do I write the programme, I then manage its delivery on site while also managing speakers (with the help of my team), and all content on stage.

Check out my previous work

  • Websites

    I have helped build new websites and update old ones. While I am not a programmer, I write web content and have helped keep sites up to date. This includes writing once-off or regular blogs — both B2C and B2B. Through this I have picked up a few tips on coding languages and website platforms. I love working on websites because of how versatile they can be and you can link to all sorts of fun, relevant content. It’s great that once the site needs something fresh, you can reskin it based on new design and priorities.

  • Social media

    My social media experience spans from strategy to implementation and reporting. I have enjoyed managing social media for a range of different brands including South African Tourism (global B2C and local B2B channels), Club Med (B2B and B2C), Kenya Tourism Board (B2B trade show), Gauteng Tourism (B2C). I write social strategies based on brand priorities then manage the accounts accordingly. I use the report insights to inform how to adjust and refine the strategy.

  • Event programming

    I enjoy combining business and social interests to create programmes that provoke insightful conversations. While I write the programme and allocate speakers, I work with the speakers to refine the structure and specific talking points to ensure the topic speaks to their experience as well as the event focus and agenda. I have worked speakers including c-suite executives, celebrities, and former heads of state.

  • Brand campaigns

    I enjoy coming up with new campaign ideas for brands and/or helping them refine their own. I love the brainstorming and research steps and then seeing all of that as a fantastic campaign. While doing work for the Nelson Mandela Foundation, I came up with the foundation’s campaign for Madiba’s passing (1918 — forever). We used this on social media and in messaging following his death.

  • Research reports

    Great research and insights can get lost if it’s not presented in an interesting and digestible way. This is why I enjoy writing and/or editing research reports. Not only do I get to do some research and learn more information on a subject, I also get to share that knowledge with others. I am a versatile writer so I can change styles as needed by the report content or its readers.

  • Sub-editing

    I love writing and I like helping others express themselves and/or package their content for specific mediums and audiences. I have sub-edited blogs, research papers, websites, speeches, social media posts, and more. My approach is to maintain the original voice but help that body of work fit within the brand voice, style, and/or word count. The more it still sounds like the original writer, the better.